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create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
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Engage Knowledge Base Web View         How To          Print
Title Engage SQL Errors and find a stuck user session means RDP Server needs to be rebooted      
Resolution Engage Application Server is showing SQL Errors and the Engage Application is not working properly.

Check for Stuck Users in the Task Manager under Users Tab. 
Sign Out any Disconnected Sessions. 
If a Session can't be Sign Out and is stuck, the server needs to be rebooted. 

When you see this issue on a Terminal Server it means the server needs to be rebooted to clear it.

A stuck session like this can create File Locks on Engage, as well as other applications, so that user session needs to be cleared. 

Note: Sometimes the file lock created creates an issue on the SQL Server so it may need to be rebooted as well but not always. 

Vendor Engagement Software, LLC
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Date Entered 3/13/2024
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Type Of Article How To
Article ID 1439

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