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Engage Knowledge Base Web View         Workflow          Print
Title Using DocuSign for Quotes in Scorpion      
Using DocuSign for Quotes in Scorpion
On the Quote Print Screen click the Email PDF
 *This will package the Quote in a PDF and Name if for you
DO NOT Send the email.
Just Right click on the PDF that is created and Save As to the Customer Profile Quotes Directory.
Then you can Close the Email without sending.
Go Back to the Quote Print Screen and click the DocuSign Button
Login to DocuSign (Your Email and Network Password should log you in. Reset if not)
Once in DocuSign Select "Others To Sign" Option.
Open the Directory where you saved the PDF of the Quote.
Drag and Drop to the DocuSign Window.
Click Next and Scroll to the bottom of the Quote where the Signature Line is.
On the Left Side of the DocuSign Window:
Click the "Sign" Icon and position over the Signature Line.
Click the "Date" Icon and position over the Date Line.
Click the "Text" Icon and position over the P.O. # Line.
Click Next
Add the recipients Name and Email Address and Send.
Vendor *
Web Link
Date Entered 5/1/2018
You Tube Link
Type Of Article Workflow
Article ID 236

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