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Title Creating a Sales Order in Scorpion      
Hover Mouse over OE New On Side Bar
Of if you already have Order Lookup/ Order Entry Lookup module open
Hover over Blue New Order Entry Buttom
(Either of these Two Actions will create New Sales Order)
Part 1 .Required Fields to be filled out when creating sales order
A: Click on arrow and type customer name, or click in open module and start typing
B. PO, could be actual Purchase Order Number provided by Client or Client Name  
X =. Area Date Expected Estimated, and Date Shipped, Estimate, You will not know this info
       however, we can guestimate for the client       
C. Shipping Label is Type of shipping, UPS=Ground- Fed Ex Blue, or Red is advanced and Sales       persons are required to verify shipping cost and add 15% for internal cost. On Every Hardware    order unless approved for exception.  
D. Delivery Type was designed to provide deliver info for client and internal team. However,
     Please just use the same selection as Shipping Label. It eliminate questions by Client
E. Special Order Instructions is a Drop down menu providing special option Notes This can be   
     for Internal notes on how to handle the order, or you can print, or email to client with
     special Payment instructions or Scope of Work.      
G. Provides Ability to add attachments like Documents to the order or invoice.
    (The Blue Field is to connect Sales Order to Project Click drop down menu and chose project)
H. Order Track Field- Enter Client contact name in This field to send attention to for order
      Service Rep Field is to identify specific Service Rep or Service Manage Attention  
      Follow up Field is to identify resource that will follow up on order delivery and completion.
     Typically this will be the Technical Account Manager or Sales Associate.
I. This Field is setup specific Transaction type. Typically Defaults to New Sales
   However if the invoice is for Setup Fees the field needs to be changed to setup fees by using
   Drop down menu. Or Memorized Transaction, etc.  
J. Choose Category of Product being Sold (Best Match- Computer-Labor- Security)  
K. Pull customized client configured quote into sales order. (Use QT Button to Import)
L. Product Drop down Menu, If additional products not listed on Quote
M. Pricing Field for Internal Data-Tech Cost for product
N. End User Sale price Field (Total per Unit)
O. Extended quantity price Field with Quantity Total
     Please verify Total cost, total profit and total due all are listed.  
Part 3 Sales order for Hardware and software orders
If you are selling a Computer or Server there is a product line item for
Customization for computer to server build. This line item provides specific instructions for each computer customized build or multiple computer builds that are ordered.
The Bench tech and Field tech will need this customized list to complete the
Correct configuration for your client.
P. Computer Specs (Customize per order per customer from Distributor quote
Q. Pull in Workstation Build sheet and customize info from Menu  
Customize Computer Information
  1. Designate if the new computer is to replace existing or is it new add  
  3. Provide the user name for this computer and login information  
  5. Does this computer connect to a domain?  
  7. Install Kaseya Agent for VMS Client and Type of Virus Protection
  9. Does this computer get Office installed and which version
  11. Provide Users email information to preconfigure for mail server in outlook
  13. Does this computer connect to Data Center and needs Parallels 2x Client setup
If this order is for Software, or other type hardware, you can use Labor product line
Or free type expectations, notes instructions for Service team about clients installation expectations. (Statement of Work)  Please provide simple
Outline of reasons and special configuration if needed.
Part 5 Sale Order processing and Communication.
Print Sales order to Purchasing Printer, DO NOT Email Sales Order.
 Part 6. Email Order Track to the Following
            Email Order Track to Client confirming order and special instructions.
            (Confirms order with Client)
            Email Order track to Newsalesorders@datatechitp.com
            ( Confirms order with Billing Processing and Service Managers )
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Date Entered 6/11/2018
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Type Of Article How To
Article ID 304

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