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Title Aaneel Infotech VDI Programmers Project – How to use local USA resources and leverage oversees talent      
Case Study: Aaneel Infotech VDI Programmers Project - How to use local USA resources and leverage oversees talent
Upen Patel "Data-Tech's Cyber CAT division was able to engineer a solution that I was looking for with VDI."
Upen Patel is a Healthcare Technology Consultant for Family Physicians Group.  Upen is familiar with Data-Tech due to our long standing cooperative IT relationship.  Family Physicians Group has been a Data-Tech client since 2007.
When Upen decided to start his own business centered on software development for specific Healthcare Software and Information Processing needs he came to Data-Tech first.  Upen wanted to keep all his information and technology here in the US but needed to leverage some specific development expertise in India.
The challenge was each developer needed their own private environment and could not share workspace. However, they also needed a universally accessible development repository as well as testing and evaluation servers for all the pieces to work together.
Data-Tech engaged the Cyber CAT division for a solution. Cyber CATS decided to create a Virtual Environment comprised of Virtual VDI (Virtual Independent Desktops) for each engineer running on Microsoft 2012 Hyper-V Platform. 2012 Hyper-V has Remote FX video technology for lightening fast Video to the end user. These engineer desktops would be part of a tightly controlled domain where only the engineer could see his or her resources but they could all share and access centralized development repositories and evaluation servers for testing.
The security is a complicated mix of native Windows Active Directory and our own Managed Services Software built on the Kaseya platform.  Security was a key requirement for Upen's group as much of the software is custom developed and often the developers are working with confidential information.  The VDI Virtual Workstations needed to be locked down to the local environment.
The Cyber CATS solution had to maintain HIPAA compliance for security and Data Integrity as well as Recovery.  
Upen's personal experience with Data-Tech and the Cyber CAT division has led him to become a reseller partner with Data-Tech and extend our Technology and IT Management Services to his new clients.  Extending our Outsourced Help Desk to assist Upen in growing his business will be a key part of his growth.
Key Terms
HyperV 2012, RemoteFX, VDI, Virtual Desktops
*Cyber CATs - Computer & Advanced Technology Services Division of Data-Tech
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Date Entered 4/3/2019
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Type Of Article Case Study
Article ID 583

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