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Title Why is Data-Tech unique in an industry full of technology service providers?      
Engage -> Listen -> Frame -> Envision -> Collaborate -> Commit
Why is Data-Tech unique in an industry full of technology service providers?
Data-Tech is focused on delivering Information Technology Solutions specific to our client's needs, not focused on a product or service. This philosophy has led Data-Tech to become a unique service provider in an industry crowded with competition.  
Over the last 17 years Data-Tech has developed our own line of custom products and services focused on IT Solutions. This concept called Versa for Versatile gives Data-Tech tremendous leverage to create our custom and unique service offering for our clients.  Creating, Customizing and Developing our own products, services along with our private data-center give us tremendous leverage for cost effective solutions. Working closely with top Information Technology sources in the industry and closely with our partners, products and services are specifically designed for cost effective customized solutions.
Data-Tech's approach to our clients is to ask ourselves how we can help our clients get the most out of their business leveraging information technology with a cost effective approach while delivering an outstanding customer experience.  Delivering unparalleled customer experience is easier and a natural byproduct when products and services are designed specifically for the client and focused on achieving the client's goals.
At Data-Tech, we realize the need to address our clients `Wants' as well as their needs.  Simply providing solutions to existing issues is only part of the relationship.  By embracing the clients `Wants', Data-Tech can help fulfill the clients desires to achieve success beyond resolution.  Being pro-active and engaging with our clients, Data-Tech can help build a solid foundation on which, as an IT Partner, we can help our clients realize their goals.  
Data-Tech associates are empowered to "Engage" with our clients `Wants' and their desire to leverage IT for growth of their company.  Associates are encouraged to "Listen" to what the client is saying about why they want a particular solution put in place.  Providing and intellectual discussion of what components of Information Technology would most benefit the client's vision for IT enables Data-Tech associates to "Frame" the available technology that would help the client achieve their vision. The flexibility to think outside the normal constraints of IT Solution Providers is what gives our associates the ability to "Envision" and IT Utopia for clients.  Not all IT is applicable, but as a client you don't know that unless your made aware it exists. "Collaboration" with the client and Data-Tech resources leads to a unique solution customized to meet the client's `Needs' as well as their `Wants'.  The "Commitment" to a successful journey with our client's gives Data-Tech associates a sense of fulfillment.
Hybrid Cloud Services
Because our approach is from the solution perspective it has led Data-Tech to combining multiple facets of a technology enabling us to provide the best technology solution to our clients.  Combining technology services into packages allows Data-Tech to provide seamless integration and leverage powerful cost effective solutions for small, medium and enterprise levels of business clients. Our unique approach to Hybrid Cloud Services allows our clients to take advantage of services the combine the best available technology as the most cost affective price.
At the heart of Data-Tech's unique technology edge is our private data-center. Designed and built from the ground up by Data-Tech, the data-center is specifically designed with our clients in mind. Empowering Data-Tech Sales Engineers the flexibility to build custom IT solutions integrated with our client's needs.  
The matrix of services Data-Tech offers can be packaged together combining the most affective services that a particular client needs.  Our Sales Engineers in close cooperation with our Technology engineers create a custom technology package for our clients.
What's unique to Data-Tech is we own these products and services. That allows us to have flexibility and cost control to deliver the most cost effective, unique and innovative IT package to our clients.  From our custom built private datacenter, Hybrid Cloud Offering and proprietary client services portal with a line of Versa Appliances, all Data-Tech services come from within.  Developed with flexibility, interoperability, customization and cost controls in mind Data-Tech's philosophy remains focused on every customer interaction we engage.  
The culmination of Data-Tech services is our Virtual Office product.  Virtual Office can be any combination of our service matrix services combined and tightly integrated for a seamless technology solution.  Often starting with one service, Data-Tech's clients add services as they need. This approach allows client to be comfortable with the transition from legacy IT business systems to State of the Art modern IT infrastructure.
 Featuring Hybrid Cloud Services
Because Data-Tech owns the services, we can deliver Enterprise Level Technology usually reserved for large companies to the small and medium sized businesses.  Leveraging our privately owned infrastructure gives Data-Tech great flexibility to create cost effective technology packages for our clients.
By offering Cloud Services in our private Data-Center, Customized Help Desk for our Cloud Services as well as fully Outsourced Help Desk for our clients users, Fully Automated Managed IT Services, State of the Art Technical Repair Center and Onsite Premise based support services..Data-Techs uniqueness in the competitive technology sector is unrivaled.
While the philosophy behind Data-Techs Vision for our clients is sound it would not be achievable without energetic and passionate associates that work at Data-Tech. Inspired with a commitment to trustworthiness, credibility and reliability we believe in establishing an intimate relationship with our clients.  Our associates have truly vested interest in the success of our clients and are empowered to be creative in providing unique IT Solutions.
The unique philosophy embraced by Data-Tech and our associates creates a relationship based on a journey of success with clients. Meeting milestones for success helps us gage or effectiveness to and establishes a pathway for the long term relationship building on the foundation of each completed interaction.
As a company and a closely bound family of associates, Data-Tech feels a profound sense of accomplishment and completeness as our clients achieve success within their business.
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Date Entered 4/3/2019
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Type Of Article Case Study
Article ID 589

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