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Title Consumption Marketing a function Consumption Economics: The New Rules of Marketing      
Consumption Marketing a function Consumption Economics: The New Rules of Marketing
Solution Focused Marketing takes and aspect of Consumption Marketing and focuses on a specific solution for a specific receiver's need.
*Receiver - the receiver is a targeted End User for a specific Consumption Marketing based strategy.
Marketing can fall into the "Products and Services" trap. This means that the marketing is about the products and services being offered and not the solution that is actually needed.
Solution Focused Marketing is targeting the Receiver's needs.  Marketing for the specific End User's needs instead of products and services.
An example of this concept is demonstrated by our current marketing for MyDrive. All current Marketing focuses on MyDrive as an Enterprise File Sharing solution.  A sub-component of the marketing contains information about the large attachment secure email function but does not use it for a specific marketing focus.
As Consumption Economics focuses on the End User for Consumption, Consumption Marketing focuses on the End Users needs.  With this in mind a review of the current Marketing for MyDrive shows it does not meet the Consumption Marketing requirements. MyDrive is currently being marketed as a Product and Service and not focusing on it's functions as solutions to End User needs.
If we apply the Consumption Marketing strategy to MyDrive we can see that each Service within the Product actually provides a specific Solution to End User needs.
One such solution is the Large Attachment Secure Email Feature which allows an End User to Securely Send Large Files to clients.  This feature adds security and bypasses many Spam Filters that block emails with large files and attachments. *Note: Many Internet Providers as well as IT Managers limit the size it attachments for performance reasons. However, many times an attachment exceeds these limits and the End User is forced to copy files to a Thumb Drive and manually transport or Mail the Drive to it's destination. This not only inefficient but there are security concerns as well.  
MyDrive has a feature that allows a user to Send and Email and link large potentially unlimited size attachments. Notice I said Link. This is because MyDrive embeds a link to the files on a secure Web Server that will allow the recipient to download the files securely. So the Attachment limitations of Email are bypassed because the attachment is never sent via Email. Only a secure link to download the file.
Note: The "How it works?" is not important here. For Marketing and Engagement purposes only that it solves a specific problem the end user is having is important.  Once Engaged the End User will be guided to more information including contact information.
Some examples of Solution Focused Marketing would be a Social Medial Campaign with these headings or an Email Campaign with these subjects:
Marketing:  "Do you need to send very large documents with email?"
  "Are you having trouble sending large attachments with email?"
  "Are Spam Filters preventing you from sending large attachments security with Email?"
Note: Consumption Economics also addresses the negative side of Social Media and Digital Marketing. Because of the routine an automatic nature of Digital Marketing the receivers of the information can become numb to it.  If you see a Data-Tech logo popup everyday you will tend to look past it.  Since Consumption Marketing focuses on addressing the solution to the specific need the End User has there is no need for the company or even product logo in the Marketing itself. This comes after Engagement.
The Marketing should now focus only on the solution.  Once the receiver is engaged the marketing should guide them to make contact in one of many different available types. Email, Form, Call.
This approach keeps the marketing fresh and unique. Receivers don't feel like they are being sold, the feel like someone is trying to help them.  They are engaged!
Note:  It is still important to continue legacy type marketing for Branding and Product and Service Marketing for recognition so when the receiver follows the Solution Marketing to its contact point the receiver is the familiar and comfortable with the engagement. It becomes a "Warm Engagement" at this point.
Another example is the Versa-Bot marketing program. Establishing the Characterization of the services is only the first step.  The Versa-Bots and their functions won't become relatable until we use Consumption Marketing strategy to introduce them as Solutions to receiver needs.
For an example you can look to our current Managed IT Services Marketing. The current approach is again Product and Service focused. That's fine if you're an IT Manager. However, remember the strategy of Consumption Marketing is to the End User or Receiver. Therefore the current marketing material focused on End Users will and does fail.
Statistic: There is something like 10,000 End User Receivers compared to every 1 IT Manager Receiver.
(This statistic is made up..but you get the point with some easy extrapolation calculations)
We must re-engineer our marketing so it attracts engagement with the End User.  Therefore the Marketing must present a Solution to a problem the End User Receiver is experiencing.
In the case of Managed IT Services there are hundreds of focal points we can market too.
Marketing:  "Is your computer running slow?"   ..let Timmy Speed up your computer
  "Are you worried about Ransomware?" .let Guardian Protect your computer
  "Tired of calling your IT guy to fix your PC?" . let Sentinel fix it automatically
  "Need to know how many PC's you have for an Audit?" .Ziggy and tell you
**Each Service is a Solution to a problem and thus a unique marketing opportunity
Now you can see we need to continue our current Marketing Strategy for Brand Awareness and to keep familiarity with our Product and Services. However, equally important will be a strong imitative to develop the Consumption Marketing Solution Focused strategies direct the specific Receiver.
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Date Entered 4/3/2019
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Type Of Article Case Study
Article ID 599

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