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create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
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Engage Knowledge Base Web View         How To          Print
Title Engage Online Portal Export Reports to Excel      
Export to Excel
This example demonstrates how to implement data export to Microsoftr Excelr.
A single Web page is used with a grid that outputs the same data in both Web and Excel modes. An event code is used to determine if Excel mode was specified via a URL parameter, and to set the appropriate content type. The code is also used to force up to 10,000 data records to be output in Excel mode.
Click on the "Export to Excel" link.
Steps to Recreate
    1. Use the Grid Builder to create the employees grid that is based on the employees table from Intranet database.
        • On Step 4 select No Sorting.
        • On Step 5 select (No Theme).
    1. Add the ToExcelLink Link control above the Grid and set its Default Value property to "Export to Excel", set the Preserve Parameters property to None and the Href Source property to the current page. Then add the Link Parameter with the following values: Data Source Type = Expression, Parameter Source = 1 and Parameter name = export.
    2. Add the appropriate programming code to the Before OnInitializeView Page event and Before Select Grid event., as provided with the example.
    3. Make cosmetic changes as needed by modifying the text and captions within the HTML.
Database Tables Used
Database: IntranetDB
Tables: employees
Events Used
The page's OnInitializeView event is used to specify the file name and required "ContentType" and "Content-Disposition" header.
The grid's Before Select is used to hide the navigator (except in .NET) and display all records in the Excel mode.
The grid's Before Show event is used to hide the navigator in .NET.
Vendor *
Web Link
Date Entered 7/27/2019
You Tube Link
Type Of Article How To
Article ID 649

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