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create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
create a knowledge base article to enable was TLS1.2 not enabled for .net framework on IIS WEb SErver Support
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Title TPM Installed on Cheetah requires correct BIOS Version      
Issue - Windows Reports No TPM Installed on Cheetah
     * tpm.msc reports that Windows cannot find a compatible TPM
     * This is generally caused by a disabled TPM in the BIOS
1. Reboot into the BIOS
     * MU01 - F2 while booting
     * Older Cheetah Model - Delete while booting
2. Confirm the BIOS version is one of the below or greater
     * BOX IDG.21 v1.
     * BOX IDG.23 v1.
          * If BIOS does not match, Cheetah will need to be returned to Data-Tech for repair
3. Navigate to Advanced > Trusted Computing > Security Device Support; change from Disabled to Enabled
4. Hit Esc and Navigate to Save & Exit > Save Changes and Exit and hit Enter; Select Yes to Prompt
5. Reboot into the BIOS
     * MU01 - F2 while booting
     * Older Cheetah Model - Delete while booting
6. Navigate to Advanced > Trusted Computing > Security Device Support; there should now be two line items of 'SHA-1, SHA256 - see below example:
               SHA-1, SHA256
               SHA-1, SHA256
     *If, after enabling Security Decive Support, the BIOS reports no installed TPM, Cheetah will need to be returned to Data-Tech for repair
7. Hit Ctrl-Alt-Delete to reboot into Windows; launch tpm.msc, module should now report that the TPM is ready for use
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Date Entered 5/7/2020
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Type Of Article How To
Article ID 778

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